• Zongyue Qin

    Undergraduate Student | Yuanpei College, Peking University

    Hi there! I'm an undergraduate student from Peking University. Majoring in data science, I have a good knowledge of both math and computer science.

    I went to UCLA SCAI Lab as a research intern this summer, which yields fruitful results. I also have been an intern in PKUMOD lab since 2017. I've also created some toy projects on github, see my github homepage here.


    As for my hobbies, I love soccer, both playing and watching. I also enjoy lots of other sports, basketball, baseball, and so on. Aside from that, I also like movies and books, my favorite movie (though always changes) is The Dark Knight.

  • Education 

    Peking University (PKU)

    B.S. (2016-2020)

    Data Science and Big Data Technology

    University of British Columbia (UBC)

    Exchange Student (2018.9-2018.12)

    Computer Science

  • Publications

    "GHashing: Semantic Graph Hashing for Approximate Similarity Search in Graph Databases"

    Zongyue Qin, Yunsheng Bai, Yizhou Sun.

    "Gated Relational Graph Neural Network for Semi-supervised Learning on Knowledge Graphs"

    Yuyan Chen, Lei Zou, Zongyue Qin.

    WISE 2019

  • Projects

    A few projects I contributed to.


    gStore is a graph-based RDF data management system (or what is commonly called a “triple store”) that maintains the graph structure of the original RDF data.


    Image Style Transfer

    It's a small projects I do for fun. Given a content picture and a style picture, it makes the style of content picture same as that of style picture. The implementation is naive and without too much tuning, but it works.


    Image Classifier

    I wrote the project to help me understand the CNN deep learning better and to practice writing deep learning model with pytorch.


  • Computer Skills

    Things I've picked up over the years

    Software Development&Design

    c++, python, MATLAB, Java...

    Machine Learning

    traditional methods & deep learning

    Parallel&Distributed Computing

    GPU, OpenMP, MPI

    Basic Skills

    Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Latex...

  • Let's grab a cup!

    Available to chat about design, people, and things.